If you follow along on Instagram you’ll know that I’ve been obsessed with going on podcast runs ever since May. I’ve always been okay with being alone with my thoughts on a run, but quarantine did make me crave a good run conversation. Podcasts filled that void; they make me feel like I’m part of the conversation AND I learn something new each time. Of course sometimes I like slowing it down and listening to nothing, but for the most part, good podcasts put me in a good mood in the morning.
I have a lot of favorite podcasts and episodes, but here are some of my top picks for September! You’ll find the show name, what it’s about, and a couple of episodes I really enjoyed this month.
Very Presidential with Ashley Flowers

The rest of the podcasts are in no particular order but this might be my favorite podcast this month. Ashley Flowers reveals the juicy secrets behind the most infamous presidents, so things get creepy and quite shocking. I almost never listen to every episode of any show, but I’ve listened to every episode of this show in order: the relevant presidents, irrelevant presidents, all of them. I don’t usually listen to true crime for obvious reasons (the image of a kidnapper lurking in the shadows is really not what you want while running past trees), so this is about as close as I’ve gotten. You get a history lesson, but with fun jokes and the suspense of true crime. Also I love the intro and outro music.
An episode I love: Thomas Jefferson: The Hypocrite. Some shady stuff uncovered about one of our founding fathers and it will definitely make you question why he’s celebrated. Next choice: John F. Kennedy: The Playboy
The Daily

This show is new to no one and I sure hope you’ve listened to it before, but with everything going on in the world, I think their investigative-style episodes capture reality in a way that is impossible for most of us to experience or imagine. I love when they interview ordinary people who’ve gone through and continue to go through some of the major events and issues happening in the country and world.
An episode I loved: The Children in the Shadows. About trying to get an education while growing up homeless. Longer than most, but so important. Next choice: The Killing of Breonna Taylor, Parts 1 and 2
One Part Podcast with Jessica Murnane

Apparently Jessica Murnane is a really big deal in the health and wellness podcast scene and I can see why! This show covers such a wide variety of relevant topics. It’s the show I like tuning into whenever I’m editing photos, updating recipes, etc. because it makes me love what I’m doing even more.
An episode I love: The Sustainability Secret with Kip Andersen of Cowspiracy. I’ve been thinking a lot about food and the environment lately. This is one of those episodes that inspired me to think about it more deeply and watch “Cowspiracy” on Netflix. Next choice: F*cking Up + Changing the Way We Create Food Content with Laura Wright of The First Mess
Healthier Together with Liz Moody

Another health and wellness podcast! I absolutely love everything Liz Moody stands for and it shines in her show. Her podcast feels like a welcoming conversation you’re having with your friends, which is exactly what you want a podcast to feel like. I’ve been updating old blog recipes a lot this month so Jessica Murnane and Liz Moody have both been my go-tos while I did it!
An episode I love: How You—Yes, YOU!—Can Help Make Wellness More Diverse and Accessible. A series of three conversations with people of color involved with a different aspect of the wellness scene. Next choice: The Morning/Evening Routine Episode
How to Save a Planet

That day a few weeks ago with the orange-red sky practically inviting impending doom was just not it. The hosts take a complicated, unfortunate problem but somehow manage to make you feel hopeful about it. With the effects of climate change literally being right before our eyes, it couldn’t be more important to learn and take action.
An episode I loved: Black Lives Matter and the Climate. Why the racial justice movement is critical to the climate change movement and what the climate movement can learn from it. Next choice: The Green Wave
Nice White Parents

I first noticed that this one had pretty poor reviews on iTunes and thought it wasn’t a good show, so it took me awhile to listen to it and realize the negative feedback is probably from people who were offended by the show and the controversial topic it tackles. It’s an interesting story about New York public schools and it promotes discussion about the role of race and wealth in shaping public education.
An episode I loved: just start with the first one!
So those are my top picks for the month! Let me know what podcasts you’ve been into this month or what you thought of any of these shows and episodes.